Thursday, July 9, 2009

Sparkling Water by SodaStream

We just bought this neat do-dad for carbonating water. It works really well and you can carbonate almost anything. I like making flavored sparkling water, but I suppose you could carbonate green tea or cranberry juice also. We've never really been huge soda fans, but it's actually kind of fun and cheaper than buying soda at the store!


  1. Cool! Almost everything is better when carbonated! :)

  2. We used to have this little CO2 cartridge thingy... one cartridge per bottle.

    How long does it last?

  3. wo that's really awesome! id love to try some carbonated pomegranate juice, mmmm

    where did you get it from, was it worth the price?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. ifizzy, I think it was about $100. It actually doesn't work so well on cranberry juice, so it may not on pomegranate juice either... Works great on water though.

  6. Try carbonating the water and adding a touch of it to your juice. Makes all regular fruit juice drinks taste like carbonated wine coolers...

  7. That's a good idea FJ, I'll try it:>D
