“Raymond Hill’s 12 year old daughter woke him up with startling news: Two people were trying to break into their home. Police say Hill loaded a .40 cal handgun and went downstairs, where he saw one of the suspects removing a screen from the rear window. The suspect continued trying to break in, and Hill shot and killed him. Police nabbed the second suspect as he attempted to flee on a bicycle.” Las Vegas Review Journal, 1/25/07
"As the Supreme Court observed in US v Miller (1939), "the Militia comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense... bearing arms supplied by themselves." - America's 1st Freedom, April 2007
Now that's a bill money can't buy.
:>DDD You betcha!
And it is definitely American, unlike the amero wannabe, funny money look alikes we have!
:>D Yep TG of the Constitution...
A million dollar bill literally and figuratively.
Were the gun-control lefties/RHINOs to get their way, that man would've been required to lay down and beg for his and his families' lives, and then probably get shot to death anyway by criminals who don't care about gun-control laws.
Brook's absolutely right. Thank heaven's he had a gun! There have been two instances in my life where a rifle saved my life and the lives of three of my children, and one instance where a handgun saved my life. If the leftists and Rhinos had their way I would be dead!
Brooke, you hit the nail on the head!
Gayle, dang,,, that's a lot of close calls for one person! I've never had to use mine... Thank God!
I couldn't agree more with Brooke. She's hit the bull's eye with this one.
If it's one thing I've learned as a police officer, the one thing a criminal fears most is encountering an armed homeowner.
IMO if someone breaks in your house, they've already displayed hostile intent and should be dealt with accordingly.
YEP L, fire away!
Amen to Lawman. If a criminal has violated your property he's already shown hostile intent!
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