"During a Jan. 1 broadcast of Wolf Blitzer's nightly news program, a pre-commercial preview of the show's next segment included a story on the hunt for Al Qaeda's leadership. Over a photo of Osama Bin Laden and his second-in-command Ayman Al-Zawahiri, a graphic read "Where's Obama?" rather than "Where's Osama?" Read more...
The Raw Story article was indeed funny, though I'm sure unintentionally. Those guys are so far left that they think CNN is anti-Obama. Oh yeah, right! CNN of the "jihadi snuff films" fame; CNN of the Eason Jordan "hey I'll just parrot Saddam Hussein's talking points and call it news". That CNN? You mean CNN is actually opposing that stockinghorse Obama? Please.
Hi RS, Ya I thought that was pretty funny... Didn't Teddy Kennedy do a similar thing? Something about mixing Osama Oboma... or some such thing. I guess even the left can see that someone schooled in Indonesian Madrassas is probably not a safe bet for President. Better to put this one to bed asap.
Good question... I'm sure CNN is hot on the trail. NOT.
What was even funnier was CNN falling all over themselves to apologize!
You're right... This dude is from a madrassas, and that's BAD NEWS!
He sure has charisma though. Laura Ingram was saying reception is like that of a rock star at his events...
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