I found an interesting article about a muslim who started reading the Bible, and then converted to Christianity. He made some interesting points:
In the Quran it says that some revelations are abolished or forgotten(Surah Al-Baqara 2:106 ). What does that mean? In fact it's exactly the opposite in the Bible:
In the Torah, Numbers 23:19,"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind."
In the Torah, Numbers 23:19,"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind."
And in Zabur (Psalms) 31:5,"Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O LORD, the God of truth."
And in Injeel (the Gospel of John) 17:17,"Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth."
Never did I find a single verse in the Bible saying that God lies or that He changes His verses and leads people astray.
Never did I find a single verse in the Bible saying that God lies or that He changes His verses and leads people astray.
Also, why was Jesus Christ faultless and without sin, whereas Mohammad was touched by Satan and lead a sinful life? Many times in the Quran, Mohammad is reminded of repenting his sins. Every Muslim who reads the Quran with understanding knows it very well.
Fabulous! I love when a lost sheep comes Home! How inspiring and hopeful, may G*D have mercy and cover this man with HIS Wings and continue to reveal HIMself to him!
Well said tmw. The Walid Shoebat book was really, REALLY amazing... He strikes me as mad in a sense about being deceived for so long. I guess I can identify with that. I was a liberal (very conservative,,, pro-gun, pro-military, pro-death penalty) for a long time and have had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way. Darn it.
do you realize you've stumbled onto a treasure? this is definitely someone who needs great intercession. i'm going to alert a few others to this.
God is still in the business, eyes.
excellent post!
Eyes-Why don't you put a link on your sidebar, that way we can remember to pray for him and the other mohammadins who have left the Kingdom of satan for the Kingdom of G*D?
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Hi Nanc, It is and he does... God bless!
Hi Tmw,, That's a good idea except the most I've ever done is link to other sites, which come to think of it I haven't done here... I guess I should do that... ie yours, etc...
Rejoice! The power of the Word triumphs again!
Are you familiar with Avenging Apostate? I pray for him on a regular basis.
Hi Gayle, I haven't been to IBA in a while,,,, That looks like a great post though. I'll stop by:>)
Oh ya Gayle, I do remember his testimony... It was quite amazing. This is the thing we always have to remember: To hate their actions, not the people. They are just 'duped' by a bad idea,,,, like the poor communists.
That's a good reminder. The days are dark, but there still is hope for the Muslim lost. I have this very strange feeling that God's mercy may not extend to those lands, forever, though. It's something I just can't shake.
RS-G*D's Mercy is about to close shop and head Home, it will be available. Just not with the ease we enjoy today! Then it will have a large price tag, everything you have or are. It does now, we just don't see it as much.
How much you want to bet that churches that preach the WHOLE Bible will lose their exempt status? In about 6 years?
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Hi RS, Yes, I think you are right. With mass communication via the web, it's not too hard (as this muslim has shown) to find the truth.
Hi tmw, That's a good question... I don't know... here? Seems like 'freedom of speech' would be a hard one to knock down, but ya never know...
Great post!
I pray for these apostate's safety; there aren't too many situations more dangerous than being an apostate Christian in a Muslim country!
That's for sure! It seems so foreign to the Western mind to think that you could be killed for what you 'think'.... We take it for granted...
Morning, Eyes! After reading Don Feder's newest, I sent you and e-mail with link, I'm starting to think 3-4 years, with more pressure being exerted starting now!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
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