We saw "The 300" last night and really enjoyed it! There was NO PC BS (unlike "Alexander")! How refreshing. They really made the Persians look bad... kind of a collection of miscreants, but then I guess it was an adaptation of the comic book... Interesting mix.
we will see this one at the theater when it comes and we're not normally theater goers.
You'll enjoy it!
OMGosh, I'm DYING to go see it!
Anyone want to watch three crumb crushers?
Sure, bring 'em over!
A movie with no PC BS, Eyes? It's a miracle! I feel I should go back to church and give thanks!
I'll watch it too when I get a chance.
Blessings! :)
I do believe it may be time for me to go have my eyes checked. At first I thought all those shields were horses butts! LOL!
HA HA HA!!! That's funny Gayle! Too much blogging:>D
And what are you doing up at this ridiculous hour?
My 2 want to see it, but I will have to go along so my daughter can go in. I might just wait until it comes out. But the theater seems to be the best place to see it the first time.
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
Insomnia. Hey just a bit more on the movie, since you're talking about taking your kids... There are a few 'racey' scenes (one with the married king and queen, and one between the queen and a guy who basically rapes her), and a LOT of violence (head choppin' and stuff like that). Just wanted to give you a heads up. The 'good' are portrayed as good, and 'bad' as bad... exaggeratedly so in the case of Xerxes and his lot.
Esther 8:7
King Xerxes replied to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, "Because Haman attacked the Jews, I have given his estate to Esther, and they have hanged him on the gallows.
Eyes-Thanks for the heads up, but we went to see the Passion, and my daughter wanted to see it again! They aren't insensitive, but they aren't wimps either. They have looked on their Father's abandoned tent and done well.
Your kids sound totally awesome. I thank God for all the normal kids that make up the next gen!
They are gems of the first water, but I'm not so sure about mine, sometimes!LOL! I wonder what I'm turning loose on the world!
But I like them!
Hey, guess what? I'm buying that land in Arkansas! So we will be closer neighbors! You and hubby-doo will have to come visit!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
WOW! That's great news tmw!
I heard '300' broke all box office records this weekend with 70 million in sales. Amazing.
This is funny though... On FOX they said that 'Americans just love the blood and gore. That's why it was a success.'
I thought 'If that's what they take away from it, they'll never learn.'
How about 'It's a good historical piece, with NO PC!!!"
I read where some history prof has complained about inaccuracies. I'll have to watch it & make up my own mind.
One thing I can say is that I'm already sick of the character that plays Leonidas in posters with his humungously wide open mouth in the middle of a scream. Maybe I'll wait for the DVD & save a bundle
I'm hoping to talk my wife into going although this isn't something she would like. Bargaining bargaining and more bargaining.
lol...it's life
Any movie the MSM hates must be good. I remember how they panned United 93, which was one of the best films I've ever watched. I'll catch it on Net Flix, though, because the movies are hard to get to with two little ones.
Hi Cube, The most important elements are accurate.... 300 brave souls held off the million or so Persian army, slaughtering some 30,000 in the process... That's good enough for me. You have to remember that it was based on a comic book version, so there's giant rhinos, giant evil human creatures, etc.... but the basic elements are correct.
MZ you got that right! HA! Whatever the left or islamofascists believe is the wrong thing to do can pretty much be guaranteed to be the right thing to do!
Aw AC,,,, I think she'd like it... The hero's are BABES! HA!
Eyes-I just read Ted Baehr's review, I WILL NOT let my 2 see it and I WILL NOT buy it. There was a focussing on the debauchery of that culture with 2 orgies, lesbian sex and excessive body parts and blood hitting the screen.
I don't need my 2 exposed to it.
Nanc-Check the review.
Sorry, I was looking forward to it, but I have to be careful of what my 2 see. The orgies could have been implied, though the Spartans weren't degenerate that way.
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
2 orgies? I guess he must have meant when the oracle was writhing around (no sex, just writhing due to drugs (that's actually true)), and then when the hunchback went into Xerxes tent to betray Leonides (there were a scantily clothed women kissing...) Nothing worse in either case than MTV, for what that's worth.
Maybe I've been numbed by the media... I barely noticed it...
I guess I was more shocked by the absence of PC BS and the strong good hero for once:>D
That's a problem we all have to deal with, like I said on one of my posts, about fallacious thinking because of living in a corrupt society!
This is a price I'm willing to pay for being sensitive to G*D! It's all about separation.
Glad you got to enjoy it though, btw, I won't have cable or direct tv in my house, so my 2 have not seen MTV, except maybe at a friends. So we would notice!
:>D Ya tmw, I guess I would compare it more in a sort of 'Saving Private Ryan' manner, in that evil people were doing evil things, and the good people were doing good things. Sort of like the story of 'Sodom and Gomorrah' (sp?) in the Bible... It clearly defined what was wrong, and the people doing them were wrong. The MTV comparison doesn't really work because they are saying 'this is not only right, but you should be doing it'. See the difference?
The idea of 'right' and 'wrong' completely baffles the left, so of course they wouldn't 'get' why MTV is so degrading to women and society at large. The orgies in 300 were clearly a part of the 'bad guys' world, and just as clearly NOT a part of the 'good guys' world... where instead fidelity and courage were honored.
I would actually like to get a copy of the DVD when it comes out just to further analyze it. For instance, the 'hunchback' was the deformed child of a Spartan who wanted to join up and do his part. One of the other Spartans wanted to kill him. Leonides, kindly told him he would be a detriment to their phalanx because he couldn't hold his shield above his head and suggested he help by clearing the battlefield. Well, this so infuriated the hunchback that he betrayed the Spartans and told Xerxes where a 'goat path' was by which he could encircle them. The hunchback repaid Leonides kindness with betrayal.
In history, it was a farmer, twists and turns, but it makes for a more exciting story to have a spartan be the betrayer. But the people of that region were of a different city-state, not as exciting!
As for the hunchback, he would not have survived infancy. An imperfect child, excess girls, or child of a rebellious slave would be killed. So the hunchback was artistic liscense. The truth may have worked better!
....a goat path. Figures.
tmw, The film is actually based on a comic book:>D
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