I'm reading "America Alone" by Mark Steyn. It's ++ good because he looks at the war on terror from a totally new angle (demographics) and he's just such an amusing writer!
"“The object of war is not to destroy the enemy’s tanks but to destroy his will. As Liddell Hart put it: “Our goal in war can only be attained by the subjugation of the opposing will… All such acts as defeat in the field, propaganda, blockade, diplomacy, or attack on the centers of government and population are seen to be but means to that end.” ….
…. Just before Christmas 2003, Muslim community leaders in California applauded the decision of the Catholic high school in San Juan Capistrano to change the name of its football team from the Crusaders to the less culturally insensitive Lions. Meanwhile, 20 miles up the road in Irvine, the schedule for the Muslim Football League’s New Year tournament promised to bring together some of the most exciting Muslim football teams in Orange County: the Intifada, the Mujahideen, the Saracens and the Sword of Allah.”
Sounds like a good read, Eyes.
I'm so sick of the "CRUSADES!" cry. Let's not forget that Muslims instigated a good chunk of it with their slaughter.
...as a Christian, I find the Lions even more offensive.
HA HA HA HA HA!!! That's great fj!
What's that on your head FJ? Is that tin foil?
Farmer has a cat avatar now! Wow!
Steyn's book is excellent, though I had to interrupt my reading of it to peruse Brigitte Gabriel's Because They Hate. Gabriel's book has given me nightmares. Is she predicting the future of America? I hope not!
beamish told me about Dennis Kuscenicj's (sic) fear of space-based mind control devices and as an ex-Boy Scout I felt a need to Be Prepared...
I'm hoping to convince beamish to add an antenna to the top of the helmet he normally wears. We'll see.
Hi AOW, I need to pick her book up. I've watched her here and there on TV and the Internet. It's a very sad thing that happened to the Christians in Lebanon, and you can see the results in recent declines....
Hi FJ, I'm heading up to the roof to cover as much area as possible with tin foil,,,,
I've since gone to full body protection. I was told that the cat suit was inhibiting the tin foil protection.
FJ-What a boring world it would be without you! And your patented brand of "crazy"!
FJ, Tin foil? I'm thinking of making a tin foil overcoat with hood of course.
TMW, hee hee,,, that's for sure:>D
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