I saw one of these this morning, drinking from my pansies. My initial reaction was 'Is that a hummingbird (about the right size)?" And then I noticed the antennae.... 'GROSS! Is that a giant bee? I need to get rid of those pansies!" You never know in Texas. Things are BIGGER in Texas you know... At any rate, I googled it and figured out it's a harmless moth. Looking like a bee keeps the preditors away..
as you know, i love texas!
i remember taking my garbage out and going to drop it in the can and i started screaming and hollering, jumping around like a mariachi dancer and my neighbor came running out of her house wondering what was wrong and i said, "the biggest rat i've ever seen (while pointing at the can)!"
she moseyed over to have a look - turned the can over and the creature scurried out as i'm about to take my last breath, still hopping up and down and she looked at me, and pointedly said, "that's a possum, you dayamed yankee!"
i still say it was a very big rat...yup, things are bigger in texas.
...and I thought it was going to be an armadillo story...
I've only seen armadillo 'road kill'. Never a live one in the wild. I've heard they make great pets though...
no farmer - that would be the texas "roly-poly" bug.
Wasn't there a dinosaur that kind of looked like an armadillo? I think evolution is just the strangest thing to believe in. If they were of the reptile world, why do we still have reptiles. The thing is crazy. I've got a new book "Darwin's Mistake" by Dr Hans Zillmer... I intend to investigate further:>D
That moth is really neat looking! G*D is incredibly creative!
BTW-Eyes, I have 3 photos of my land up!
Morning tmw! I saw one yesterday, but wasn't sure that was your land or not. It looks really nice! Your dog is going to love chasing squirrels and such..
texas was the very first place i also ever saw a jerusalem beetle or cricket and suffice it to say, it was just about an inch smaller than the one in the aforementioned photo - honestly, i thought i'd entered the land before time! scared the daylights out of me.
And then there are the wolf spiders.. YeeeeeUUUUCK!~
The worst thing I ever saw up north was leeches in some lakes... They were pretty dern gross too..
Nanc, how do you do links in comments?
To make a link in comments, you need to paste in the code shaded in blue from the attached link for your specific URL citation. I can't paste a "how to do it" for the code... or it would actually try making a link... so you need to go to the link to see how to do it. make sense? I thought not. ;-)
Mole crickets are vile creatures too, when we had chickens they ate them greedily!
They make great bait, I'd bet. Nothing catches a fish faster than a live insect...
Oh thanks FJ!!! That looks like a good bookmark to keep:>D
tmw, Ate the chickens? YIKES!
no eyes - her chickens at the crickets! ha!
this photo you have is actually a texas gnat - everything is bigger in texas - laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Or a chigger! Did you ever meet Texas chiggers? OWWWWW!!!
That thing keeps the predators away, and probably most humans too! I loathe bees, wasps, hornets, mud daubers, the whole stinging/flying insect thing. I have had more awful experiences than I care to recount, and so I wouldn't touch that thing with a ten foot pole. Ugh.
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