This is such a strange story... She was pretty wasn't she? She looks like an actress, but I can't remember her name (the actress)...
It's one thing to have a 'domestic' end up in the death of one or the other, but to then hack the body up and store the torso in the garage??? It reminds me of a freaky, disgusting movie I saw 20 or so years ago... 'Boxing Helena'... What a waste of film that was..

Speaking of 'waste of film', we saw 'Wild Hogs' last night: BORING and STUPID.
Julia Roberts?
I'm waiting for 300 to be released later this week. I'm also gonna go see the play Spamalot next weekend. I'll let you know if either are any good. Of course, you just saved me the trouble of seeing Wild Hogs.
What's 300 about?
The actress? Naw, I'm thinking of someone on a TV series, like "Chasing Amy" or something like that... I never watch TV, so all I recall is the ads... Well, I watch '24', 'Rome' and 'Prison Break'... 'Prison Break' is boring me sily this year though. Spamalot should be good. I also want to see 'Zodiac', 'Black Snake Moan' and 'Amazing Grace'. There's a few out there that might be interesting.....
300 is about the Spartan defense of Thermopylae against 1 million of Xerxes Persians/allies.
Ouuu laa laa, that does sound good. How come I haven't heard of it? Is it one of those 'little' films?
Eyes-NOOOOOOO, it's being really advertised in our area! And the internet has many trailers for it.
I will have to go because my daughter needs a guardian to go with her.
I don't go to a lot of movies, so I am picky. I haven't seen very many in theatres, I can buy a dvd for what it would cost all of us to go!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
tmw, My sympathy is with you! There are a few funny scenes, but overall it's a 'thumbs down'...
The only way to get really excellent movies anymore is to watch old ones.
Yes, this poor soul was a beautiful woman. How horrible that she had the unfortunate luck to marry this monster! I can't type what I think should be done to him. They won't give him the death penalty either because they don't have it in that state!
The 300 should be an excellent movie. Spartan armies were fearless even went against insurmountable odds.
That lady was a beautiful woman. What could possess a man so much that he would kill her, ending her life and ruining the lives of his children?
Will he get the death sentence?
I watch "Prison Break" myself. It's a decent show but how long can you reasonably do a show about breaking out a prison?
It sounds more like a miniseries at best...are they hoping to be picked up for seven years?
Hi Gayle, He deserves to be chopped up.... but if Michigan doesn't have the DP, then justice will not prevail... unless he becomes someone's girlfriend in prison.
Hi AC, I'm looking forward to 300 now. I hadn't seen it advertised, but 'period' movies are my favorites. I wish they'd do more of it. I wish they'd do more on Babylon, Assyria, etc.... to see what Ninevah and Babylon looked like. There's so many good stories in the Bible that would make good movies...
It is sad isn't it? He's obviously crazy.. to cut someone up like that,,,, I've never understood the whole idea of keeping crazy people like Manson alive.
Sounds like Michigan doesn't have the death penalty, so either way he gets off scott free.
I don't know how long prison break can go on. It's in year 3 now... You're right though, it's more like a series...
I can't wait to see 300! Being the geek that I am, though, I will no doubt re-read the history of the battle so I can sit in the theatre and hiss "That didn't really happen" to my hubby. LOL!
I've never really watched PB, but I did see a comercial in which he had FINALLY managed to break out, and then called the authorities to give away his location... AGH! I don't know how anyone watched after that.
:>D I guess I didn't notice that... maybe I wasn't paying attention. It's getting a little boring this year...
what on earth was going through her husband's mind? i've shot a couple of dogs that were terrorizing my chickens and immediately went to my knees before G-d - and i've rescued walking sticks from my chickens - who really knows?
we will probably go see "300" also - it looks to be action packed and very good things are being said about it.
Hi Nanc, I wish I could shoot strays.... City slickers would be apoplectic!!!! I wish I lived in the country :>(
Sounds like you stick up for the underdog:>)
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